Terms Of Use

1. Agreements’ objectives:

• The objective of the Convention is to register the use of MOHR.
• The subscription registration and purchase of MOHR gives some rights and requires certain obligations on the parties to this Agreement.
• The first party: MOVE-IT Information Technology, a US based company registered in Delaware, as the owner of MOHR, its trademark, and its intellectual property rights. It has an Operations Department in Egypt, responsible for Middle East sales, training and technical support.
• The second party: the customer who wants to participate and register.

2. Definitions:

• The customer / subscriber: is the entity that has subscribed to the MOHR website and service.
• User (s): They are the employees of the client who have the right to use MOHR.
• MOVE-IT Company: The owner of the MOHR System.
• MOHR: It is the human resource management software that is the subject of this agreement.

3. The acceptance of terms and conditions

• In order for you to be entitled to use MOHR, you must read and agree to these terms.
• This agreement sets out all the terms and conditions under which MOHR is used. In addition to these conditions, you must be familiar with and abide by any other terms or directives that are provided through MOHR website www.mo-hr.com.
• Any modifications or improvements to MOHR will also be subject to the terms of this agreement, and your use of MOHR is acceptance of this agreement, including any modifications that may occur in the future.

4. Registration and purchase

• The customer is obligated to provide his data completely and accurately on both MOHR website (the purchase and registration page), and MOHR human resources management system (the customer data page), and he is also committed to updating it when needed.
• MOVE-IT is committed to maintaining the complete confidentiality of all customers’ data and ensures that it is not traded with any third party without a court ruling requiring it.
• By agreeing to the terms of this agreement, you acknowledge that your age has reached the legal age of assignment (18 years in some countries and 21 years in other countries) and that you are authorized by the company, institution or entity that you belong to, to register for the benefit and you have all the legal right to do that.
• If you provide wrong or inaccurate information, MOVE-IT has the right to suspend or cancel your account completely, or not to deal with you again in the future, while MOVE keeps the value of the subscription paid.

5. Refund

MOVE-IT guarantees a money-back policy in the event that the customer is not satisfied with the service or desires to terminate it for any reason in accordance with a financial settlement - to know the customer’s dues - that MOVE-IT makes according to the following conditions:
• The account is debited for the period in which the customer used the system.
• Any discounts that the customer may have obtained for any reason are deleted.
• The customer bears the bank fees necessary to recover his payments.

6. Client’s Obligations

• After registering and purchasing, you will receive on your e-mail an invoice with your total payments and the date of renewal, as well as the user name, password, and program link.
• The obligation to keep the user name and password data confidential and not current.
• You will be fully responsible for any use of your account, and you will inform us in case you realized existence of a security breach, or unauthorized use of your account.
• Pay the subscription fee on time using credit card, transfer or deposit to the company's bank account or through a money transfer company.
• MOVE-IT - the owner of MOHR - is not responsible for any damage, damage or loss to your data that resulted from your failure to comply with these terms, specifically the clause of maintaining the confidentiality of your account.

7. MOVE-IT obligations

• Provide login details to the program (link, account information).
• Training and technical support for users, if needed. Training policy and technical support attached to the contract that was made with the client.
• Providing a set of additional services (either paid or free), as agreed upon.
• Send an invoice for the amount paid via e-mail.
• Commitment to developing MOHR periodically.
• Dealing with the personal data that the customer provides through MOHR in accordance with the privacy policy, which can be downloaded from the MOHR website.

8. Amending the Agreement

• MOVE-IT has the full right to amend the terms of this agreement at any time, and the customer will be informed of these amendments 30 days before they are effective.
• The customer can object to any amendment within the 30-day period, and if MOVE-IT does not receive any objections from the customer during this period, this is considered approval by the customer and the amendment becomes an integral part of this agreement.
• The customer has the right to terminate the agreement according to the contract termination procedures as a result of modifying the agreement. Termination of the agreement must be preceded by a one-month notice prior to termination.

9. User Obligations

• Use MOHR for legitimate work purposes only.
• Not to use MOHR to commit or encourage any crimes.
• Not to use MOHR to receive, download, upload or use any information or materials that may be insulting, disgraceful, indecent, obscene, threatening, defamatory, harmful, harmful to minors, or violate any property rights, copyrights, or privacy. Or any other rights.
• Not to use MOHR for anything that conflicts with acceptable use policies for any connected networks or internet standards.
• Not to use MOHR to insert, distribute or transmit any form of viruses.
• Do not attempt to login to MOHR or use it in an unauthorized way.
• Do not attempt to break or hack any aspect of MOHR.
• Not to destroy any data. • Not to circumvent or attempt to seek circumvent of any security guarantees from MOHR or any of its partners.
• Not to use the account name (domain name) or any e-mail within MOHR for its exploitation in any illegal form or an assault on the privacy of individuals and the rights of the customer.
• Not to use MOHR or any e-mail addresses in any advertising or marketing activities in what is known as spam.
• Not to use MOHR or any e-mail addresses to send any materials that may harm or affect the performance of computers.
• Not to use MOHR in a way that is inconsistent with any legislation or license to which you are subject or applicable to you, or by any illegal means.

10. Customer Support or Technical Support

• MOHR will provide technical support in accordance with the service level agreement on the site and the contract signed with the customer.
• The customer owns his data (he has an ownership right over it). All data is stored securely in the Microsoft data center in the United States of America, and accordingly it is subject to the privacy policy of Microsoft (you can see the privacy policy of the Microsoft data center at the Microsoft trust center website) Accordingly, the data of each client is his own legal property and he has all the rights and powers, and the client can submit to us (we, MOVE-IT) a request to transfer, delete, copy or amend his data at any time.
• The customer database remains safe and is not dealt with by MOHR team except in cases of maintenance and security checks.

11. Agreements’ Duration and Termination

• This agreement will be effective once the customer completes the registration process.
• This agreement shall take effect from the date recorded in the registration process and continue until the end of the registration or contracting period, unless the agreement is terminated by one of the two parties and in accordance with what is stated in this agreement.
• MOVE-IT has the right to terminate the contract or suspend the service (and it has the freedom to dispose of it) without prior notice in the following cases:
o There is a breach of any clause of the agreement by the customer.
o In the event of a bankruptcy lawsuit against the client.
o The customer is no longer legally able to receive the service.
o Non-payment of financial dues within a period of 10 days from the date they are due.
• In the event that the contract is terminated or the registration period expired, MOVE-IT has the right to dispose of the customer's data by deleting it after the lapse of 10 days from the date of termination or the expiration of the registration period.
• The client can also terminate the agreement if there is any kind of breach of his data and this breach continues for a period of 30 days from the date of a written notice to MOHR team, and the period to fix the problem may be extended in the case of events beyond control such as natural disasters, or a government ban or governmental regulation or Viruses that were not caused by actions or deficiencies of the work team or one of the service providers, and after the first period, the customer can terminate the agreement within 14 days after sending a written notice to MOHR team.

12. Provisions for Free Copies.

Sometimes MOHR team issues free copies that are limited in capabilities or limited in time. In this context, the free copies are subject to additional terms, which are:
• MOHR keeps the date of attendance and departure data and salaries for a period of three previous months only.
• If the client wishes to keep the previous (historical) data of the attendance and departure systems and salaries, he must pay for the price of hosting this data.
• MOHR team has the full right to cancel the free copies at any time, after notifying the free clients a period of not less than a month before canceling the copy.

13. General Provisions

• If a clause is mentioned in the contract with any client that contradicts or conflicts with any clause in the term of use agreement, priority shall be for what was contracted for.
• If it is proved that any of the provisions of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions remain in effect without being weakened or invalidated in any way, and the waiver by any party of any of the provisions of this agreement, shall not be explained However, it was a waiver of the remaining provisions of the agreement
• No agency, partnership, joint venture, or business relationship will be established under this agreement, and neither party has the obligation to oblige the other party to do so.
• In the event that any legal procedure is compelled to impose or interpret any clause of this agreement, the two parties agree that each of them shall bear the costs and legal expenses of his own in addition to the costs of the court, attorneys and fees for experts and consultants.
last updated Jan 2021